Rural Museums from Romania
The platform ‘Muzee de la sat’ [in translation Rural Museums] came up at the initiative of young people from Botoșani and Iași, whose project won, through a contest, co-financing from the Administrația Fondului Cultural Național – AFCN [in translation, The Administration of the National Cultural Fund, ANCF]. Through this, 79 museums from the rural regions of Moldova, Muntenia, Dobrogea and Maramureș benefit from an improved online presence and image.
The platform was launched on 1st December 2021 and it consists of 87 virtual tours for 79 museums from 76 villages. The virtual tour of each cultural objective is interactive and 3D, made with high performance equipment. In addition, they are integrated into Google Street View, Google Maps and Google Earth.
Another objective of the project is to perfect the image of these museums, through professional photographs, well-documented texts and high quality presentation videos.
In September 2021 the data collection process started and it lasted for 21 days. During this period, the team visited each museum and gathered the information that will guide visitors within the virtual tour. After completing the Muntenia, Dobrogea stages and Maramureș stages, we covered over 12000 km in all the twenty-two counties of Moldova, Muntenia, Dobrogea and Maramureș. In order for the materials to be presented as they are now, the team needed a few weeks of processing.
The platform is free of charge to the user and is available in Romanian and English. The project is made by Real Tour Ro, co-financed by ANCF and supported De la sat, an editorial project dedicated to the countryside.
In the future, the team’s objective is to increase the project ‘The museum – from the lane to the screen’ to a national level. In this way, a radiography of all the museums in the rural Romanian territory will be achieved.

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