Ionuț Teoderașcu is a photographer with studies in Journalism (Iași) and Documentary Photography (London). He coordinates the editorial project dedicated to the Romanian countryside, De la sat, and he is also the social media editor of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Romania.

Cosmin Murarașu is the founder of Real Tour Ro and a scanning professional with vast experience in creating 3D interactive virtual tours. Cosmin studied Business Management and Visual Communication (Scotland, United Kingdom) and Marketing (Iași).

Nicoleta Felea is a copywriter and online PR counselor with studies in Tourism Geography (Iași) and Tourism Management (London). She is responsible of content creation for the Zig Zag prin România association and is also an editor of two columns from the De la sat newsletter.

Silvia Alexandra Nistor is a licenced translator with experience in interpretation. She has graduated from the Faculty of Letters, English-Italian, and completed the Masters Studies in American Studies specialization (Iași). She worked as a translator and interpreter and currently she is a quality manager in a multinational company.

George Patriche is self-employed and works in video production. He has more than 6 years of experience in video editing and 5 years on camera in the field of social events.
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