The Museum of Shapes in Bozioru houses several “rocks”, known mostly as “trovants”*. Six of these “trovants” can also communicate with visitors, accompanying them on a journey through time spanning 12 million years. This is possible thanks to Augmented Reality, which mediates the dialogue between travelers and stone hosts.

The Museum of Shapes is an interactive space, a relatively new museum. It was established in 2018, at the initiative of the Land of Buzău Association. All those who enter this space will go through several stages of the Earth’s history, together with the “trovants” Sandi or Trovi for example. Also called “living stones” or “children of the earth”, they were formed millions of years ago, at the bottom of a prehistoric delta
*Trovant, a geological term that translated from the Romanian language means “cemented sand”.

*Trovant, a geological term that translated from the Romanian language means “cemented sand”


Bozioru locality, Buzău county
Google Maps


Monday – Thursday: 8AM – 4:30PM

Friday: 8AM – 2PM




Adults – 

Students, pupils – 

Interactive 3D virtual tour

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