This house-museum belonged to the Dunca (Pâțu) family, which became a symbol of the anti-communist resistance. Between 1949 and 1953, armed resistance groups were created to oppose Sovietization and collectivization. These groups were mainly made up of Greek-Catholic clergy and intellectuals, but also of peasants, students or priests. On the night of May 2 to 3, 1949, on Easter Day, the Dunca family sheltered the Popșa brothers, anti-communist fighters, and one of them, Vasile Popșa, was actually shot here. Dunca Gavrilă Pâțu, the owner of the house, donated the house and the yard so that future generations would not lose sight of this turbulent episode of local history.

The “Dunca Pâțu” Memorial House in Ieud is a typical Maramureș house, consisting of an awning and two side rooms. The two rooms each exhibit two perspectives, one historical and one ethnographic. On the outside, the house has a porch on the front and on the left side. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century, being made entirely of softwood. In 2006, the building was donated by the family to the Maramureș Museum in Sighet . The “Dunca Pâțu” Memorial House was opened to the public in August 2007. At the entrance to the museum courtyard, there is also a cross carved in wood, in memory of the heroes.


Ieud Locality, Maramureș County
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Monday – Sunday: Just by phone appointment


Adults – 10 RON
Pupils, students, retired – 5 RON

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