The writer Ion Luca Caragiale was born in 1852 in the village of Haimanale, near Ploiesti. Over a century later, in 1952, the commune was named after Ion Luca Caragiale, as a sign of appreciation for his personality. Among his best-known works are: Two Lots, Lord Goe, A Lost Letter, Carnival’s Tale, A Stormy Night. The characters and situations created by the playwright continue to be relevant during our times as well.

In memory of the playwright, a permanent exhibition dedicated to the life of Ion Luca Caragiale was inaugurated in 1979. The “Ion Luca Caragiale Memorial House” is not the house where he was born, but a different building. It was opened with the help of the villagers and exhibits important moments, such as his school years in Ploiesti, the period of his great creations, his exile in Berlin, along with the importance of his work over time. For over a century, both spectators and readers of Caragiale laughed when they saw or read his creations. His fine ability to create countless human typologies, mocking the manners of society, is recognised.


Ion Luca Caragiale Locality, Dâmbovița County
Google Maps


Monday, Tuesday – closed;
Wednesday – Sunday: 8AM – 4PM (winter) | 8AM – 5PM (winter)



Adults – 6 RON;
Retired persons, students, children – 3 RON;